Sunday, September 28, 2014


                                      WEEK 5 ( SEPT 22-26) 

My Accomplishment:
I was able to have my first demo teaching in English and Aral Panlipunan.  I checked quiz papers, seat works and activity sheets. I taught a song about multiplication table even though I don’t have a good voice.
I also facilitate the class while having their summative test in mother tongue and Filipino. I encounter questions from the pupils about the summative test to clarify and verify something.

My Significant Experience:
When I had my demo teaching in Aral Panlipunan, I used Power point to discuss my lesson at social hall. I noticed that the pupils listen attentively and they were actively parting by answering my questions.  I use video to show the different calamities such as typhoon, earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption and fire happening in our society. Through that they were able to see what are the effects of the calamities, what things need to do and need to know.
I used picture in mathematics to explain multiplication and taught song about multiplication in order for them to easily memorize the multiplication table. The pupils enhance their mentally skills.
My insight:
                I must impart the use of technology when teaching. This helps me to deliver the lesson clearly and clarify some ideas to the pupils. There were many theories that through the use of technology, the pupils develop the 21 first century skills. Last year we attended seminar and workshop about the technologies use inside the classroom. There was much evidence to prove the big support of the multimedia to the pupils and also the teachers. It encourages more contribution of the pupils and use of more senses. It boosts the attention of the pupils and create conducive atmosphere.
        There were also studies that if more senses involve the more impart to the pupils life and they can use in  a real life situation. They can also relate from the lesson through the materials used and observe from their own environment.

        The problems I encounter last week were how can I deliver my lesson in Aral Panlipunan and Mathematics. What materials I must use to catch the attention of the pupils and maintain their interest. 
        Some of pupils were not listening, they walk around inside the classroom and most of them were lazy to copy their notes.  There were six boys pupils who were usually answering their quiz or summative test.
I use picture to deliver my lesson in mathematics and PowerPoint presentation in Aralin Panlipunan, I use video also.
I go around with the classroom and check their notes. I encounter questions from the pupils and monitor the pupils especially the six boys.
I encourage them to copy their notes and ask question, if they don’t know the answer.
My Goal:
My goal for next week is to finish the 30 demo teaching and 30 lesson plan. I want also to experience straight teaching. I want also to create instructional materials that is manipulative and eye catching to the pupils in order for them to maintain their interest and be participate in the lesson.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


WEEK # 4(Sept 15-19)


 My Accomplishment:  
  I checked quiz papers, seat works and designed the bulletin boards. Cut lettering for the classroom display. 

I was able to have my rated demo teaching; at least I was able to manage the class and experienced to be observed by someone.

My significant experiences: 
   last week I felt tense when our supervisor instructor assigned those student to have their demo teaching to be rated.  I’m one of them; I can’t focus on my lesson plan and instructional materials because I felt worried and anxious. Consequent of my behavior I didn’t finish my lesson during the time given and luckless of explanation or clarification of the lesson.
I didn’t followed what I have written in my lesson plan.  I didn’t state my objectives for that day; I didn’t post the title of my lesson. I had lots of things in my minds that gave me confuse and not following my plan.

My instructional material was not enough or qualifies to attain the objective of my topic.

My Insight: I must be prepared all the time and start focus on what I want to gain.  Focus on the objectives of my lessons to attain the goal and more explanation about the topic. I must plan an activity that is suited for the pupils and catch their attention to main their interest.
In having my second rated demo teaching I must implement the suggestions of my supervisor instructor in order to attain the objectives of the lesson and relate the topic to the real life situation.
Be confident talking in front of my pupils and maintain the eye contact with them.

Last Friday I had my rated demo teaching, the problems that I encounter was to make detailed Lesson Plan, how do I present my lesson in attention-grabbing way for the pupils, to plan of the activities and more clarification of the lesson. I rush my lesson plan and I’m not fully prepared to have my rated demo teaching.

For my next rated demo teaching I must be prepared in terms of my detailed lesson plan, instructional materials to use for supporting purposes and practice more talking in front of the pupils.
I must master my topic and manage the time given. I must be confident to talk in front and maintain eye contact with the pupils.

Goal for next week:

I must have my successful demo teaching, to teach with the quality in order for the pupils to understand better and focus on the main objective of the lesson.
Making of my instructional materials eye catching and plan an activities that encourage the pupils to participate. 
I challenge myself to give my best when I have my demo teaching.


My accomplishment:
Last week I was able to experience to monitor the grade 2 pupils of Lucban Elementary School. I had my third demo teaching in Mathematics 2 and teach the pupils an exercise for PE. Checked their quiz papers, seat work and teach the pupils an action songs to boost their attention or interest. I was able to facilitate them while having their quiz and give some activities in terms of reading.
I was able to come at the school before the call time.
My significant experiences:
When I had my Third Demo teaching, it was my first time to scolded one of the grade two pupils because he was very noisy during my lesson. It was also my first time to yell at them. I was trembling because of my angry, thanks God I was able to control my emotion and able to continue my lesson. I did not hit or bit those pupils; I just take breath and warn them to listen attentively while I’m talking in fort of them.
 I ask forgives for what happen that I yell at them. They also asked forgiveness for what they did.
After the incident at least they minimized their noisy.
My insights:
I must control my emotion and know how to manage when the class was very noisy. I must have patience to teach them and come up with strategies in order to maintain the interest and participation of the pupils. I must create nonthreatening atmosphere so that they will actively participating.
I learned that pupils welfare first before my self-welfare. 
" Patience is a virtue"
The discipline of the pupils!
Hard in doing Ilocano lesson plan
Difficult in managing the class in terms of noisy!
The pupils are not answering back the questions or raising question that is related to the topic.
Ask some help of my friends who were expert of Ilocano dialog. To counter check my lesson plans.
Do some positive reinforcement such as add some puts to those quite pupils.
Do some activities that catch the attention of the pupils or motivate them by singing, role playing, and games or doing some puzzles.
Revise the way how I ask question and encourage them to ask question through let them formulate a question about the lesson before discussing it.
Goals for next week:
To be able to maintain the interest of the pupils.
To gain participation from the pupils.
To have a successful demo teaching.
To execute the lesson and appreciated by the pupils through their participation.
To submit a lesson plan.
To come at the school before the call time.


WEEK # 2 ( SEPT 1-5)

Face the Reality

I was able to have my first demo teaching in mathematics II. I checked quiz papers, seat work and assignments. I also have my informal teaching because my cooperative teacher is busy. I taught them exercise during their PE subject. I was assigned as prayer leader last Friday and we SLU student lead the exercised.
I was able to come at the school before the call time.

My significant experiences:
 I felt a little bit nervous in the first but then while I’m having my demo teaching, I felt comfortable with my cooperative teacher and the pupils. I was able to catch their attention in the motivation part of my lesson plan. I asked question, the pupils answer my questions and the ask question also about the topic. In the application part of my lesson, the pupils have their own groupings, they work as one and they must help each other and minimize the noise but then it was the opposite of what happened. I felt disappointment and frustration of what happened.
On the other hand I was able to finish my lesson despite of those emotional disturbances.  I felt glad at the end when I checked their paper as evaluation if they were listening; many of them got high score.
On the other day when my cooperative teacher asked me to record their grade, I was confused about the different forms.
My cooperative teacher taught me how to do it and explain to me about those forms.
Last Friday we Saint Louise University student teacher were the in charge in the flag ceremony and lead exercise. I felt happy and boost my confidence to be in front of those teachers, pupils and some parents.
I was assign as a prayer leader, I felt I’m blessing to them and also it was a blessing to me.

My insights:
 To have a demo teaching, I need a lot of time to prepare and master my lesson plan. I must think a strategies or techniques that will catch their attention and maintain participation during the presentation. Their a lots of things to consider, the lesson plan, the activities, materials and question to  promote critical thinking. The grouping activities are not suited for them because the more they make noisy.
I need to adjust on the pupil’s level to have a better interaction between me and the pupils. I need to know their knowledge background, for me to know the part of the lesson I give more attention.
I need to use different illustration materials to capture their attention and participation. I must think that pupils welfare first before me in order to avoid unnecessary situation.
The pupils must also do their part to promote and develop their knowledge, skills and God given talent. They must listen while the teacher talking and minimize their noise.
I believe on the saying that learning is useless if the only one talking is the teacher. There is no participation of the pupils. 
  •  Discipline because while I’m talking in front, the pupils also started too talked to each other. If I call their attention, they will stop for a meantime and talked again.  They bully each other with the use of rubber bonds and they also walked around the classroom. Even though I told them to sit down and listen they were not listening as if there is no teacher in front.
  • Classroom management, the pupils started to tore a piece of paper and throws it beside their sit or under. Even ever now and then I remind them to put their waste inside the trash can. They will do the task, if I told them to do it. They don’t have the initiative to clean the classroom.

 I still trying my best to catch their attention during the discussion and imparting values to respect others. I will try my best to find a strategy that is suited for them and I will control my emotion in order to avoid incident happen inside the classroom.
I try to remind them again about the cleaning inside the classroom and their waste must put inside the trash can.
Be patient to the behavior of the pupils.
Goals for next week:
To find manage the class to promote high thinking order.
To have my demo teaching successful.
To maintain their interest and participation.
To come the school before call time.