Saturday, November 29, 2014

More Effort!!!

More  Effort!!! 
week # 14( November 24-28 2014) 

y accomplishment: Last week, I was able to have my four demonstration teaching in science, Araling Panlipunan and music. I checked quiz papers in science, writing and re-encounter checking of seat work in English. Helping in monitoring the class while the teacher having meeting and helping the pupils in cleaning the room.
My Significant Experience: I start the day with smile and pray to God for all the blessing I received from Him. Whatever comes to our life challenges we need to smile and face it all. I felt happy when I had my demonstration in music it’s all about the song “We are all God Children” I learned that in a simple way we can help others and serve God. Through step of the song, I can used it as an instrument to worship God and inspire others. The pupils enjoyed singing the song and interpret it. Through the God given talent to us we can use it to serve Him and praise Him.

My Insight: I noticed that every lesson that I have been demonstrate I use real situation or real example of the lesson. I integrated values for the pupils to appreciate and learn a lesson to apply in their life.
Teacher must use real object or real situation in order for the pupils to relate and understand better. We must create a nonthreatening atmosphere and be open minded. Give feed back to the pupils answer and process it.
As a future teacher, I must practice more speaking in English and confident enough to talk in front of the pupils. I must encourage them to listen, ask questions and motivate them to apply what they learn inside the classroom to their community or society.

Problems: I demonstrate only 12 lessons and I need 8 more lessons to finish the requirements 20 lesson demonstration and lesson plan. I have not yet finished my field study book and other requirements.

Solution: I need to double my time and focus on what I really need to accomplish first like the 8 lesson and answering the field study this weekend. I will ask help of the teachers if I can demonstrate lesson more this coming Thursday.

My Goal next week: My aims are to finish the 20 demonstration lesson with the lesson plan. To past all the requirements on time and to have meaningful and enjoyable day with the grade four pupils cooperation.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

“Time to shine”

Week # 13 (November 17-21 2014)
“Time to shine”

My accomplishment: last week, I was able to have my rated demonstration teaching. I prepared my instructional materials well to be use like the video, pictures and illustration for the enhancement of my lesson.

My significant experience: last week, I was able to deliver my lesson well and I achieved  my goal for the past week, I got higher grade for my demonstration teaching compare to first rated demo. There are suggestions for the improvement but then I did my best to deliver the lesson and I assure that I presented the lesson in an interesting way and have a great impact on the part of the pupils.
 It was a challenge on my part to acts as a tour guide to deliver my lesson but I know that if I done that, the pupils can relate to my topic and also I can inject the values in there.

My Insight:  The teacher must knowledgeable and creative in a way to form a new strategies to capture the interest of the pupils and maintain the attention through class discussion. The teacher must give real situation or examples about the application of the topic to relate the life of the pupils in the topic. Gives group activities to encourage the pupils to participate in the discussion of give higher thinking order question to enhance their knowledge and mastery of the lesson. The teacher must he/she master the lesson, he/she can able to handle the questions of the pupils and give the necessary information’s. Encourage the pupils to ask questions and to be a creative way in the presenting of the assigned task to them.

Problem:   lack of time and lack of lesson to be able to finish my 20 demonstration teaching.

Solution: I must double my time and get many as I can to finish my 20 lesson demonstration teaching.

Goal for next week: I must be able to finish the 20 demonstration teaching and to complete all requirements and pass it on time. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

“New Techniques”

Week # 12 Nov 10-14 2014
“New Techniques”

My Accomplishment: Last week, I was able to have my five demonstration teaching in different subject matter. I checked quiz paper and writing note books. Come early at the school before the call time and attended class mass and helping those pupils who were in charge in cleaning the room.

My Significant Experience: On November 19 we have our recollection, the time to reflect what we have done and to choose among our crossroad to find the right path. From that I realize that we must not curse other people even though they did something to you, because people who curse receive less blessing.  In my journey I know I will encounter many cross road but then I must think twice and decide of what I must be done to glorify the name of God and betterment of the society.
 “Put God First all the time”. I believed that whatever comes to my life I must be thankful to God and all my actions/ words I ask guidance to give clarification, to understand of what I want to tell. I learned also that we must surrender our life to God because we don’t know the future; God is the only one who holds our future. From that passage I realized that I must give to God my life to have a meaning and feel the contentment of what I have and satisfy myself. I’m praying that God holds my future and He knows what better for me to serve Him.

My Insight:  As a teacher we must be a model to our pupils and in our lesson we must inject the values for them to know and apply what they learn. “The Greatest teacher is Jesus” from that we must follow the path of Jesus in order for us teacher to be a channel of change for the betterment of the society.
In our society today there are many cases against the teacher because, teacher-student relationship, and corporal punishment, physical, verbal abuses; to avoid that we must Put God first all the time and control our emotions to avoid that situations. We must be aware of the policies also and the consequence of the actions we done.

Problem: next week will be my rated demonstration teaching, I don’t know how to deliver my lesson, what strategy I will be use and the instructional materials to be use.

Solution: My  Supervisor Instructor suggest about the strategy I will be use like I will act as a tour guide to deliver the lesson and use big instructional materials that are eye catching and start with a motivation to get the attention of the pupils.

My Goal for next week: I want to have a higher grade in my demonstration teaching and to deliver my lesson successfully and have a great impact on the part of the pupils to grasp the lesson. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014



Week # 11(November 3-7)
                                               “BEGIN THE DAY WITH SMILE”

My Accomplishment: Last week I was able to demonstrate three lessons, one in Music, Filipino and EPP.I checked quiz paper in religion, Araling Panlipunan and Filipino. I help in cleaning the room and facilitating the pupils when the teacher is out.

My Significant Experience:  I start the day with smile and pray to God for all the blessing I received from Him. Whatever comes to our life challenges we need to smile and face it all. For me I need to overcome some time when I’m felt nervous I forgot the main point of the lesson and that lead me to unnecessary movements or actions. I need to prepare  ahead of time.
Last week, I felt happy when I done my demonstration teaching, the pupils clap for me. It was a sign for me that I did well, although there are some suggestions for the improvement of my demonstrating teaching but overall impact was well. 
When I had my demo teaching in music, I used exercise to relate it to the lesson the “melodic movements”, while in EPP I used real things for sewing and the Filipino I used picture to clasp the attention of the pupils. I notice that pupils enjoyed the group activities, they formulate questions about the lesson and they were the one’s also answer the question formulated in the beginning of the class.

My insight: Last week, I notice different strategies used by the teacher but they have their common the group activities. The strategy was effective for the pupils to learn within the group, to share about their experience related to the topic, to participate and open minded to the different opinions of the pupils.
The pre-cone and post cone activity for the lesson plan, it was a big help for me to know what I need to include, improve and get an idea or strategies how I deliver the lesson to reach the goals or objectives for that specific lesson.

Problem: I was not able to ask my cooperating teacher a lesson because I was anxious to demonstrate lesson about science. I need to budget the time given for us to  20 demo teaching and one rated by our supervisor instructor.

Solution: I will ask my cooperating teacher to have my demo teaching in science, I know that I’m not expert on that subject so I need to double my effort and research strategies and read more about the topic. Budgeting the time given to accomplish all the requirements.

My goal for next week: My aim is to have more demos teaching in other subject to experience it. Because I know experience is the best teacher for me do learn and know the weakness, strength and need for improvement.  I want also to impress the teachers whom I get my lessons, to thank to them for giving me an opportunity to teach and learn with them.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

“Transform ”

“Transform ”
week # 10 October 27-30
My Accomplishment:
 Last week, we were deployed in Saint Louise Laboratory; we have our orientation Monday October 27 2014 at same time, we designated in different levels. I was assigned in grade 4 cooperation. I felt nervous because it was my first to handle grade four and I felt shy to have a cooperating teacher male. I observe teachers in any subjects and asked them lessons for my demonstration teaching.

My significant experience:
 SLU-Laboratory school is conducive for learning, can accommodate big number of pupils, new buildings, new facilities and non-threatening atmosphere. It was a great opportunity for us practicum, to have our practice teaching in a private school. For me it was chance to learn many things such as strategies how to demonstrate a lesson, how to motivate the pupils, how to make s effective lesson plan for the learner and to promote inclusive education and develop globally competitive.
Last week, I experience to observer teachers to get a strategies for them and to know the grade four cooperation pupils, to know my cooperating teacher and to see the school facilities and the room. There were 43 pupils , the space was big enough, the books were arrange, clean and the pupils seated according to their groups.

My insight:
 I must be confident enough to face the crown or to face the pupils and to connect my lesson to their real life situation. As a future teacher neither private nor public school I must be ready all time to demonstrate a lesson at any grade level.
I must do my best to deliver the lesson to have a better understanding for the pupils and be able to motivate them and sustain their interest.

My problems:
 I was not ready to have my demo teaching and I’m afraid to demonstrate a lesson and I don’t know how to start my lesson plan in music.

 I asked the teachers how can I demonstrate my lesson for next week, how can I make my lesson plan a meaningful and strategies to teach the lessons.

Goal for next week: My goal for next week is to have my demo teaching in Music and Filipino. To past my requirements and to be successful in demonstration and to impress my teachers.