Saturday, November 8, 2014



Week # 11(November 3-7)
                                               “BEGIN THE DAY WITH SMILE”

My Accomplishment: Last week I was able to demonstrate three lessons, one in Music, Filipino and EPP.I checked quiz paper in religion, Araling Panlipunan and Filipino. I help in cleaning the room and facilitating the pupils when the teacher is out.

My Significant Experience:  I start the day with smile and pray to God for all the blessing I received from Him. Whatever comes to our life challenges we need to smile and face it all. For me I need to overcome some time when I’m felt nervous I forgot the main point of the lesson and that lead me to unnecessary movements or actions. I need to prepare  ahead of time.
Last week, I felt happy when I done my demonstration teaching, the pupils clap for me. It was a sign for me that I did well, although there are some suggestions for the improvement of my demonstrating teaching but overall impact was well. 
When I had my demo teaching in music, I used exercise to relate it to the lesson the “melodic movements”, while in EPP I used real things for sewing and the Filipino I used picture to clasp the attention of the pupils. I notice that pupils enjoyed the group activities, they formulate questions about the lesson and they were the one’s also answer the question formulated in the beginning of the class.

My insight: Last week, I notice different strategies used by the teacher but they have their common the group activities. The strategy was effective for the pupils to learn within the group, to share about their experience related to the topic, to participate and open minded to the different opinions of the pupils.
The pre-cone and post cone activity for the lesson plan, it was a big help for me to know what I need to include, improve and get an idea or strategies how I deliver the lesson to reach the goals or objectives for that specific lesson.

Problem: I was not able to ask my cooperating teacher a lesson because I was anxious to demonstrate lesson about science. I need to budget the time given for us to  20 demo teaching and one rated by our supervisor instructor.

Solution: I will ask my cooperating teacher to have my demo teaching in science, I know that I’m not expert on that subject so I need to double my effort and research strategies and read more about the topic. Budgeting the time given to accomplish all the requirements.

My goal for next week: My aim is to have more demos teaching in other subject to experience it. Because I know experience is the best teacher for me do learn and know the weakness, strength and need for improvement.  I want also to impress the teachers whom I get my lessons, to thank to them for giving me an opportunity to teach and learn with them.

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